
HaMoshava Park

Tourist map of Zichron with clickable content

See and experience

Historical sights

19th and 20th Century history

  • First Aliyah Museum – Tells to story of Zichron Ya’akov and other farming aliyah towns in Israel from 1880s onward. A must visit place in the town. (3.2 km, 6 min)
  • Nili Museum – Nili was a Jewish spy ring, whose importance in the early years of Jewish state are much bigger than most acknowledge. Nili helped reluctant British to take over the land from the Ottoman. The ring also build ties to the governments of Great Britain and United States and also wealthy Jews in America to help out the community of Jews in the land. Lot of books have been written of Aharonsohn family. (2.1 km, 5 min)
  • Atlit Detainee Camp – where British detained Jews who wanted to return to the Promised Land during and after the WWII  (23 km, 20 min)
  • Etzel museum and Settlement Museum Shuni (4,4 km, 6 min)


Biblical sights and places of interest for Christian travellers

Natural sights and parks

Shops and shopping malls

Restaurant services

Wineries in the region

Sporty activities

Swimming and beaches

Art, theater, concerts

Weather and webcam


Local news

Links on Google map in Hebrew

Israeli SIM 

We recommend you buy Israeli SIM at the airport as you arrive. They are really cheap. Just a few calls or few Gigabytes of data using your own SIM card will cost more than an Israeli SIM for a full month!

You can find SIM shops: Ha-Meyasdim 52, Zichron Yaakov, 053-531 1111 and Zichron Mall.

You can also pre-order Israeli SIM to your country, but reserve at least 3-4 weeks time for it’s arrival. 

Maintenance company

Zichron is peaceful town of 23000 people